What I read today....

Its a whole new world...
Wonderful how when you plan well to spend a lot of time for yourself, you end up doing the exact opposite of that or dont ever do anything gainful for yourself..
AS opposed to...when you are having very little time too...and want to do something for others...then I have seen nature coopreating with you...to help that help happen...its a small world and I am not sure how many are reading this..or even thinking about reading this...it wont make a difference...but when someone actually pens something similar and then happens to come across this one...and says..."Yeah...thats what I thought too...!" then i wish that some one comes to the conclusion of including more stuff in his "Helps and good deeds to do for the day" LIst...

Jus felt like waking up from the sleepy thingy and saying a hi to real world


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