Jaya Jaya Aarati rama Tumhari

It is the song where hanuman is completely in the dark.. no light, no clue and no hope as to where ravana's pushpaka vanam is ...
sorrowfully prayerful.. he prays to his lord and God, Rama.. and even before the prayer completes.. the light from vibheeshana;s kuteer welcomes him..
Vibheeshana is putting his beloved Rama to sleep.. and singing the aaraty song.. and the humble diya light from his hut brilliantly shines as a beacon light.....
As soon as he hears the rama aaraty, hanuman comes rushing to the hut's top and prayerfully listens to the lines.. dripping with devotion.
He then with a full and satisfied mind blesses vibheeshana that harm not comes to him.. and then proceeds to the pushpaka vana
And so, even as the vinashakaale vipareetha budhi stroke comes in and the whole lanka is burning to the ground.. agni is unable to even near visbheeshana's hay hut.. that is the easiest to burn...
Valmiki describes scene as tall rock pillars and golden domes melting in the heat.. and agni;s sheer inability to even touch vibheeshana's hut.. as it stood untouched by the flames.. guarded invisibly by hanuman's blessings..
There are two things that are demonstrated..
The presence of the guru that is beyond physical presence.. and how the help comes even before the problem presents itself.
...and Secondly the prayer that comes in completeness is the best prayer.. we do things in order to get happiness.. but if we do the same things , while already happy and contented, then that is the highest yoga it seems
listen to it when you get the opportunity, not every one gets one...
And the second point on Prayer - yup! Pray when you are happy! Thank when you are so too - for everyday food lendhu - reminded me of this - http://allthatcanbe.blogspot.com/2010/10/lifes-haircut.html