A Matter of words!
Hi Guys,
Back with a bang!!!
Ok there were many instances during my 33 day Ashtavakra Gita sessions that are more than mural paintings on my huge wall of animated AOL experiences..carricatures too! [not exactly the calvin and hobbes types...but in general they manage to appear real funny...impartially from all angles!]
Are you asking me what happened this time? Read on!
Well...as usual Seva was happening...
Boys will be boys...There are so many instances when they want to appear tall and broad shouldered [Hey! dont look at me..I am still in that category!]
...and they want to look older, more erudite, more categorically systematic...truth being they aren't. No offense, they seem very very funny when they bloat themselves to their full size and draw on a serious and tired expression..you know? the sort that says "yeah, i have heard all about things like this..impress me, peasant!"
I take special privilege to act a little unsure at such times...not to mention appearing relieved that i am actuallly getting to speak to this guy! Its fun, when at first he listens to me and then I purposely include 10 letter words and then it sort of knocks out the calm in his face!
And then i sort of border like make fun of his temperament, that knocks out the erudite look on his face! Finally i bring him on terms with his actual nature by telling how the Art of living can actually help him fight illusions about being some one else and bring happiness in being himself!
Its a nice war of ego! but I cant seem to find a bit of sadistic pleasure in letting misguided little ones, esp in their colleges, take time to enjoy their college life to their fullest...
Well, about that little part where i am showing off??? ...its seva and i think Guruji Manages to even out and iron out wrinkles in it by sending those dog experiences when you least expect them to be coming! So i have no regrets see??? either ways!
Reaching out to people is one thing guys...but off late, i have seriously found a lot of pleasure in noting that I have changed a bit..a lot in fact...from being this guy who first gave excuses to doing seva...like.."I dont seem to find the time.." or "Morning I need to catch up on some work...perhaps in the evening.." and then in the evening I am too tired for anything types...
But again it has changed..I realize that seva neednt be this bit of time you take away from work..but thing that you can realize and do while working..its a part of you and its your nature..
I realized that you are not being yourself [..like really big, pure and happy...] if you are not doing seva..
You not only become limited, small, rigid, cold, self centred, hankering and complaining...but also you quickly are irritated that your whims and fancies dont get fulfilled..and what are these whims about? your own benefits again..Seva sort of moves your attention to a bigger you and immediately magnifies itself so much in your perspective, that your small self and its greedy desires become small...POint NOT being that "desires are wrong" but that "Desires on a larger section of you, will help you come out of depression and frustration"
Frustration is again a thing that happens because we want to try and force nature to follow our whims..there is no end to all your desires, I say!
Like the white moving clouds...that keep moving around trying to cover the blue skies..they can never cover them all. they have to keep moving and one day get evaporated by the scorching heat of the sun...Beauty, Love, fragrance, taste, music, lust are all like the blue skies...they are all infinite in nature and when we try to experience all of it through our limited organs of perception, we only feel spent and tired in the end...
The still rosy curved cumulus clouds of the evening! Ah! what beauty! When they realize that stillness and repose is their nature, the sky turns crimson, and if not for their form, you cant really differentiate the skies from the clouds...you are one with the infinite if your love is without clauses..and asterisks that point to miniaturized "Conditions Apply"
Give! Express! Thank! Be grateful...and plentitude will follow..You can literally hear nature following you around in meek amazement..you can hear Her heart beat in the gushing streams..Hear her loving call in the wind whispering to the trees!!! You must experience this I...give..and empty yourself, your hands need to be absolutely empty to experience the infinite..intend to get and your palms are closed...Need I say more?