No wonder it rains!! I miss you !
The mountains stay up all year long
They are so still, so unmoving
that, when the earth's rumbling song
Shakes their very depths, even then
Just a few stones fall off.
So used to being still from outside
Our raging storms inside are rarely known
Our supple hearts and echoing love ...
Hardly resound outside
Hardly find expression,
Hardly get to be heard.
The mountain's love .. is one such love. One such song.
A song for the clouds...
The Clouds run all over the skies...
free from care and happy all the time.
no strings to hold them, no ties...
They fill with the sweet smell of the flowers...
The taste of nectar, the sounds of all the birds...
The wind touches everything in the world...
Gushing at times, and sometimes loud.
It also feeds up all this goodness to the clouds.
And so the clouds are the best Of everything, there is in the world...
Just like you dearest...
All year long, From its unstirring place on Earth,
the mountain walls the winds... that have fed the clouds.
In a moment He feels it all at once...
the flowers, the nectar, and the melodies...
It reminds him so much his daisy little girl.
.. the Clouds' sweet fragrance ...
How he Pines for her reassuring innocent presence!!!
It's just natural that when the cloud,
finally wells up.. bearing it no longer
That, she arrives at the Mountain ...
stands on tiptoe to give him the long pending embrace!
It is such a lovely union, it just brings tears to the eyes.
No wonder it rains!! I miss you!
The mountain brings an image of a stoic soldier. Nice use of imagery.
But as I always say- keep the poem short :)