Flesh and bones
Fiery winds.. they blow without remorse..
ripple after after ripple...dune after dune..
mounds and mounds move from pillar to post..
liquid sands, puppets to Her tune..
Letter after letter..ode after ode
She erases ballads and epics...every writ of pride
all on sand, only to denude..
every drop and wave from oceans come..
Lofty mountains..reduced to grains
like wild horses torn from refrains
She gallops on from event to event..
She'll prove your frugality only by dissent;
For every challenge and every frown..
she reduced me to helplessness in verb and noun
I tried and tried....And then I smiled..
Smiled on.. and on and on....
until my eyes can see no more..
She howled and wailed on..
until she could feel my very skull..
even then till eternity come.. My smile remains..
in Flesh and bones..she can prove no more!
[P.S: She refers to lady time.. and the destructability of things]
ripple after after ripple...dune after dune..
mounds and mounds move from pillar to post..
liquid sands, puppets to Her tune..
Letter after letter..ode after ode
She erases ballads and epics...every writ of pride
all on sand, only to denude..
every drop and wave from oceans come..
Lofty mountains..reduced to grains
like wild horses torn from refrains
She gallops on from event to event..
She'll prove your frugality only by dissent;
For every challenge and every frown..
she reduced me to helplessness in verb and noun
I tried and tried....And then I smiled..
Smiled on.. and on and on....
until my eyes can see no more..
She howled and wailed on..
until she could feel my very skull..
even then till eternity come.. My smile remains..
in Flesh and bones..she can prove no more!
[P.S: She refers to lady time.. and the destructability of things]
