A trot down imagination lane..

Well, it all started when i was contentedly champing my lunch [which incidentally was quite a treat of coriander rice and raita with some really deliciously made curd vada.]. Our luncheon lobby is a yawning hall, brightly ambienced with ceiling to floor glass walls. we can see what happens outside while we..[coming back to my point] champ out food.. er.. contentedly.
I saw this guard carrying rifles on his shoulders.. yes you heard me right.. there were 2 rifles, probably his colleague's as well.. while the latter was contentedly elsewhere doing some thing else.. less laborious. While i was wondering how he would react to an imaginary situation [very probable at that!], of say wounding a fleeing perpetrator. And then it occurred to me of the ludicrisy of the entire situation. Single load neo-musket rifles,.. meaning he would uncradle one of the rifles, unlock, open, load the singular bullet, lock it back, aim and fire.
The Rifles have a menial firing range, thanks to the short ammunition chamber of our ancient rifles. I could clearly picturize myself in the gurard's shoes. "Oh darn, he is out of range. Hello team Bravo...team Bravo...come in team Bravo..not u team Charlie, team bravo... what??? Manjunatha has gone for thindi[lunch]???[there goes the secret teaming convention!] we have a situation here people.. hello?? what?? the signal is not clear here....team Charlie, kindly come out of the #$%^ing Loo, i can only hear the tap..."
By this time, our perpetrator would have travelled out of Bravo's range as well...
Ours is a well-staffed amply allocated security team.. I thought i will continue fantacising. I could think of no better situation than our very own cricket team, where 2 fielders inside the inner circle, beckon the poor guy in the outer circle to take the ball while it crosses within inches of their legs!
Hello.. hello .. ya.. hello manjunatha.. there is a perpetrator on the run. Bring him down...he has.. what??? what dress? I dunno, he is outside my visual range..well..no..for godsssakkkeee!! i am not a fashion designer... what?? no i dont want to speak to your manager... uh huh .. nope.. i am not in a mood for escalation.. ya.. ok.. process you say.. i understand.. wait, let me get the sniper.."... "sebastian? oh.. sorry.. team eagle?? ya, we have a perpetrator on the... no i do not know how to spell that.. what?? what it means?? oh for chrisssaaakee.. some man is running.. yes amuck on the campus.. when he is not supposed to be..what? you see him?? no, dont bring him down... team bravo is on it. its their call.. i have raised a request with them.."
Meanwhile, i envisaged the expression on poor eagle's face.. being a rookie in the team, he obediently places the sniper down.. and rummages through his equipment bag...patiently discarding what he doesnt want..which is quite a lot..ranging from night vision to spirit levels...and finally he discards a telescope.. telling to himself, "its not up to date!"
After a brief cackle that seemed to last for about 4 full minutes, our hero with 2 guns hears team eagle's voice come up over the communicator with a sigh.. "Found it.. but i cant seem to find him...Oh wait a minute.. no, thats a dog.. There you go.. in the far end of the quadrangle..there he is!!"
A loud explosive KABOOOOOOOMMMMM rocks our hero's back ground.. without an iota of peturbation, he moves slightly forward and says, "What? what was that?? i cant hear u, the signals arent clear..." !!!!!
I thought of one more angle to emphsize what is already in bold and italics.. Our hero walks away from the emergency to the tolgate and continues..
"Just tell me what he is wearing..Uh huh.. you do? Listen, i dont CARE if it fits him well.....what the hell is mauve??? is it green? no? yellow? Red? Blue? what??? ok.. i guess u are right, team bravo might be a triffle less color blind than i am.. i 'll note it down.. "
Miles away the perpetrator, having eased into a very casual amble..calls his high command, "Yeah..the chick is in the pen.. and u wont believe what happened today..."

Well, it all started when i was contentedly champing my lunch [which incidentally was quite a treat of coriander rice and raita with some really deliciously made curd vada.]. Our luncheon lobby is a yawning hall, brightly ambienced with ceiling to floor glass walls. we can see what happens outside while we..[coming back to my point] champ out food.. er.. contentedly.
I saw this guard carrying rifles on his shoulders.. yes you heard me right.. there were 2 rifles, probably his colleague's as well.. while the latter was contentedly elsewhere doing some thing else.. less laborious. While i was wondering how he would react to an imaginary situation [very probable at that!], of say wounding a fleeing perpetrator. And then it occurred to me of the ludicrisy of the entire situation. Single load neo-musket rifles,.. meaning he would uncradle one of the rifles, unlock, open, load the singular bullet, lock it back, aim and fire.
The Rifles have a menial firing range, thanks to the short ammunition chamber of our ancient rifles. I could clearly picturize myself in the gurard's shoes. "Oh darn, he is out of range. Hello team Bravo...team Bravo...come in team Bravo..not u team Charlie, team bravo... what??? Manjunatha has gone for thindi[lunch]???[there goes the secret teaming convention!] we have a situation here people.. hello?? what?? the signal is not clear here....team Charlie, kindly come out of the #$%^ing Loo, i can only hear the tap..."
By this time, our perpetrator would have travelled out of Bravo's range as well...
Ours is a well-staffed amply allocated security team.. I thought i will continue fantacising. I could think of no better situation than our very own cricket team, where 2 fielders inside the inner circle, beckon the poor guy in the outer circle to take the ball while it crosses within inches of their legs!
Hello.. hello .. ya.. hello manjunatha.. there is a perpetrator on the run. Bring him down...he has.. what??? what dress? I dunno, he is outside my visual range..well..no..for godsssakkkeee!! i am not a fashion designer... what?? no i dont want to speak to your manager... uh huh .. nope.. i am not in a mood for escalation.. ya.. ok.. process you say.. i understand.. wait, let me get the sniper.."
Meanwhile, i envisaged the expression on poor eagle's face.. being a rookie in the team, he obediently places the sniper down.. and rummages through his equipment bag...patiently discarding what he doesnt want..which is quite a lot..ranging from night vision to spirit levels...and finally he discards a telescope.. telling to himself, "its not up to date!"
After a brief cackle that seemed to last for about 4 full minutes, our hero with 2 guns hears team eagle's voice come up over the communicator with a sigh.. "Found it.. but i cant seem to find him...Oh wait a minute.. no, thats a dog.. There you go.. in the far end of the quadrangle..there he is!!"
A loud explosive KABOOOOOOOMMMMM rocks our hero's back ground.. without an iota of peturbation, he moves slightly forward and says, "What? what was that?? i cant hear u, the signals arent clear..." !!!!!
I thought of one more angle to emphsize what is already in bold and italics.. Our hero walks away from the emergency to the tolgate and continues..
"Just tell me what he is wearing..Uh huh.. you do? Listen, i dont CARE if it fits him well.....what the hell is mauve??? is it green? no? yellow? Red? Blue? what??? ok.. i guess u are right, team bravo might be a triffle less color blind than i am.. i 'll note it down.. "
Miles away the perpetrator, having eased into a very casual amble..calls his high command, "Yeah..the chick is in the pen.. and u wont believe what happened today..."