Flower among the leaves

Was looking at leaves today...
Many of them.. Some growing upright
Some closer some moving away...
Some spreading wide at night
Some spreading love by day...
Even the thickest of bushes
Or the lushiest of trees...
Makes way for every leaf.. Hears all their wishes
Not one leaf is screened from the sun
Every leaf gets its fill..

No matter how many thoughts I have
How many chores and however many woes..
My thoughts about you baby girl,
grows like the flowers amidst the leaves
Colorful and ostentatious...
Juicy and dashing...
All leaves around the flower
protecting every petal every hue
For however many leaves I have
What will I ever do without you...


Jyotikka said…
pure love only a parent gets it
Geetha said…
Wow! Love in its purest form!!
Unknown said…
Superb Ram....v.touching
Unknown said…
Lovely expression. Lucky daughter for whom you pen these lines :-)

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