Horizons are mirages

we walked.. truddled along together to that point
where the winds hold their breath
and skies bend down to your shoulders
The moon peers closely... and the trees caress your hair

The sands are wet from the careless waves..
the long journey draws to a close..
happiness is a breath away!
bated breaths and we are there!!!

much like all desires..the elements demonstrate
how goals are journeys ...actually..
and tears are actually detergents!


Jayashree said…
Beautifully expressed! :-)
Goofy said…
Isn't that a contradiction? Skies and trees reaching in at the same place? Or is that in some metaphysical meaning that am missing or the big picture?
Karthik Sankar said…
Superb.I guess this is a masterpiece of yours man. Yes finally tears of paramandham act like detergents to cleanse the final grime before the atman takes the plunge into the ocean of blissful tears :)

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